Thursday, 29 December 2016

Zen Origami

Stella Alpha Kusudama

Designed by Maria Sinayskaya from her book Zen Origami

30no 75x75 duo paper which was included with the book(400 sheets 10 variations x40 of each) 

No glue easy and nice one to fold #origami #kusudama

Zen Origami

Este Sonobe

Designed by Maria Sinayskaya from her book Zen Origami

30no 75x75 duo paper which was included with the book(400 sheets 10 variations x40 of each) 

No glue very tricky to put together but solid when complete, nice one to fold #origami #sonobe #kusudama

Sunday, 25 December 2016


30x2 Triangular Bipyramid with an invert Pyramid into a #Kusudama with 20 6 pointed star. 

My design, no glue. 

30 sheets 100x75mm base unit & 30 sheets 150x50 top unit. 

Vivi Gade Paris duo paper. #modular #origami