Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Unusual Modular origami

Denver Lawsons 'Black Hole' unit in various colour schemes. 56 sheets of 75x75mm coloured copy paper.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Gyroscope varations

Gyroscope variations using 50x50mm square single colour origami paper.
Each unit requires 2 sheets.

8 units

8 units

12 units

4 units
6 units

6 units

6 units

6 units

6 units

6 units

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Square Units

Orange Cube 150x150mm sheet, 6 units with square windows
Green Quadrangle 75x75mm sheet 6 units each unit has 4 sheets
Yellow Tehrahedron 37.5x37.5mm sheet 24 units
Designed by Tomoko Fuse

Monday, 20 February 2012

Gyroscope modules

Gyroscope modules require 2 sheets of paper for each unit. Units can be formed using square paper or equilateral triangles. Gyroscope modules designed by Simon Lewis
52x52mm note paper 6 units Octathedron

50x50 patterned paper square 6 units square Octahedron

50x50 patterned paper square 10 units

50x50 patterned paper square 12 units Cuboctahedron

50x50 patterned paper square 24 units Rhombicuboctahedron

90x90mm note paper equilateral triangle 12 units truncated tetrahedron

90x90mm note paper equilateral triangle 17 units Cubododecahedron

90x90mm note paper equilateral triangle 20 units Dodecahedron

90x90mm note paper equilateral triangle 12 units Hexagonal prism

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentine Days and Sonobe variations

 150x150mm duo paper 4 units
 75x75mm duo paper 30 units
 75x75mm duo paper 30 units
 75x75mm duo paper 6 units
 75x75mm shiny paper 12 units
 75x75mm shiny paper 6 units
 75x75mm card 6 units
150x150mm duo paper 30 units
 90x90mm note paper 6 units <<<<>>>>>50x50mm single side paper 2 units
75x75mm tracing paper 30 units

90x90mm note paper 30 units

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Trim Module

Trim Module by Nick Robison

75x75mm Duo paper 75 units

Modular units

Modular models designed by Tomoko Fuse

Note paper 90x90mm cut in half  2:1 ratio
Truncated Hexahedron 36 units

Note paper 90x90mm cut in half 2:1 ratio
Truncated Octahedron  36 units

50x50mm patterned paper Rhombic Cuboctahedron 54 units

50x50mm paper regular dodecahedron 30 units

50x50mm patterned paper same module as the blue and the blue and pink model above 30 units (very weak structurally)

50x50mm patterned paper
Truncated Stellated dodecahedron 30 units